A solo concert choreography, 30 min. 4th of January 2025 at HAU in the frame of RAVEN by Showcase Beat Le Mot

A concert for bodies in Crip Time. A concert with bodies in Crip Time. Most things change about life with a disability. Crip Time describes the time disabled bodies need longer in the every day due to limitations in their surroundings or the extra care their body needs to be able to join the abled world. A time Crip bodies often spend in solitude, invisible for the others. This concert takes the audience with 5 Songs into the world of Crip Time in Long Covid, layering sounds of the every day life where nothing is ordinary anymore. On the small stage of white plastic fabric 2,5m x 2m, the world is transformed into a soundscape of breathing, resting and poetry. Come rest with me! My bed is my lover, is it also yours?

Concept and Choreography: Malin Harff

Dramaturgy: Nargess Behrouzian

Technical Support: Dana Maxim, Jannis Wulle, Showcase Beat Le Mot

Thanks to Showcase Beat Le Mot for the Invitation, to Thomas Ripoll, Isidora Gazmuri, Marianne Sievers, Xdunum, Joana for your friendship.

In Collaboration with Showcase Beat Le Mot and HAU Hebel am Ufer, Berlin.


c by Marianne Sievers and Misha Shenbrot